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Category: My Favorites!

10 Reasons to Read Finish Line Feeling

10 Reasons to Read Finish Line Feeling

Finish Line Feeling | Liz Ferro

#1 It’s the next Eat Pray Love
Elizabeth Gilbert and Liz Ferro
Both authors go by Liz and they kind of look alike, don’t you think? It’s a sign I’m sure.

As soon as I finished reading Finish Line Feeling, I emailed Liz and told her she needs to start working on the screenplay ASAP. Finish Line Feeling has got all the elements of a Blockbuster hit, much like Eat Pray Love, only completely different. There’s tragedy, complicated family drama, the hero has lots of inner conflict, world travel, love, and inspiration to carry all of us forward on our own journey.

#2 Friends Don’t Let Friends Read DUMB Books
I wouldn’t even recommend it if I didn’t think it was worthy of your time.

#3 You’re a Die Hard Runner
You’re part of the running community or family. This is a fellow runner’s journey, so it’s kind of like your grandmother wrote a book. If your grandmother wrote a book, you’d read it. You’d be a jerk if you didn’t read it and you’re not a jerk, because you’re a runner. If you were a jerk, you’d be breaking some sort of Runner’s Ethical Code. According to Liz, runners are some of the most generous people she’s ever encountered.

#4 You Aspire To Be A Runner
You are not currently a runner, but you have friends that are. They eat, sleep, and breathe running. You’re curious. If this is the case, read the book. I was NOT a runner, but Finish Line Feeling made me wish I was one. Liz, who is a life long runner makes everything about running sound appealing, even the sweating.

I ended up downloading the Couch to 5K app on my phone shortly after finishing the book and gave it a shot myself. I haven’t completed the program, but I enjoyed pushing myself further each day.

#5 You’re a Quote Lover/Motivational Junkie
I LOVE quotes and Finish Line Feeling is chock full of great quotes at the beginning of each chapter.

Here’s just such a quote to segue into Reason #6

“Friendship is born at that moment when one man says to another: “What! You too?””
-C.S. Lewis

#6 You Feel Like Nobody Understands Where You’re Coming From
Maybe you, like Liz, were the victim of sexual abuse as a child. Liz dives deep into her pain and shares her very personal journey of wrestling with herself for years to overcome that childhood trauma. Perhaps her story will help in your own healing and help you experience that you are not alone.

#7 You Love Stories of Triumph
You cried tears of joy as you read or watched The Miracle Worker teach Helen Keller to speak with her hands. You were impressed by Lincoln’s determination in his political pursuits. He experienced many failures on his way to the White House, but he kept going. More recently, you have applauded Malala Yousafzai as she continues to take a stand for education, in spite of being shot. Liz Ferro’s story of overcoming her childhood tragedy to help change lives presently belongs in this list. It is every bit as POWERFUL and inspirational.

#8 You Are A Struggling Single Mom or You Know A Single Mom
I was a very young single mom. I’ve never experienced adulthood without children. If I’d read Liz’s book way back when, I feel like it would’ve been an eye opening experience to what life would be requiring of me. Whether a young single mom, like me, or coming out of a bad marriage, it’s inspiring to read the steps Liz took to make a good life for both her son and herself.

#9 Do It For The Girls
Girls With Sole | Liz Ferro
Help Liz help others. Liz started the nonprofit organization Girls With Sole in 2009. She volunteers her time and her money to change the lives of at risk girls by empowering them through physical activity. The proceeds of the book Finish Line Feeling go to provide running shoes, sports bras, water bottles, and race entry fees for girls who would otherwise not be able to participate in this LIFE CHANGING program. These precious young girls learn to set and accomplish goals and develop healthy self esteems. Imagine a world with girls who love and respect themselves and teach others to do the same.

Learn more about Girls With Sole here.

If you’re still not convinced that you should read Finish Line Feeling, then I’m going to pull the mom card.

Reason #10 to read Finish Line Feeling

Click the picture to grab your copy and help Girls With Sole today 🙂
I Am A Powerful Woman shirt

Sarah Boucher happily encourages women to grow in their power daily at I Am A Powerful Woman. Come join the conversation there. If you are interested in coaching or going through the 12 week conversation What One Person Can Do, you can get in touch with Sarah here.

5 Things I Don’t Have Time To Tell You

5 Things I Don’t Have Time to Tell You

I’m sure if I went to a therapist and described how I spend my time, I would be diagnosed with adult ADD. I’m not making fun of anyone with that diagnosis. I just know that I can make a solid plan for my day and then I’m too easily blown off course.

The other morning I was on facebook and saw this picture.

crazy houses

My whole family took a look and declared that it was the BEST-EST housing situation ever. I’m sure this has something to do with the fact that there are 7 of us crammed into a 3 bedroom/1 bath starter home. We discussed plans for building our own trailer mansion some day. Don’t be surprised if I throw a picture of a similar pile of trailers up on my facebook page some day and say it’s my new home. You never know with my family.

I thought about how much I enjoyed the craziness of that home and went off in search of images of other crazy houses on Pinterest. I’m sure an hour slipped by, possibly more. I loved every minute but then I felt guilty for wasting time.

This morning, my goal was to sit down and write. We have a Girl Scout event to be at later today but I HAD plenty of time to sit down and write a well thought out, hopefully encouraging blog post. I started my morning by watching the video that I’ve dubbed The Self Care Video. I felt interconnected with everyone and full of love and all of the warm fuzzy feelings that go along with taking time to do Self Care.

I would’ve been able to move on to writing a blog post had I not caught a glimpse of a parody of Frozen’s Let It Go, called It Is Cold. That was it. Time disappeared as I watched several more parodies. My favorite one was Do You Want To Be My Boyfriend?

do you want to be my boyfriend
You WILL NOT regret taking a minute to watch it. It’s so funny and well done.

And that’s all I have time to share today.

I don’t have time to tell you 7 ways you could love yourself more


about the awesome conversation I had with the librarian that started because she liked my new shirt! (Click on the picture to see more styles.)

I Am A Powerful Woman shirt

and her thoughts on what it means to be a woman…and she used my favorite word, BALANCE.

I don’t have time to tell you how I cleared off the National Women’s History Month book display in the children’s section because ALL of the books were AMAZING!!! I did give the other moms a shot at them (I really did) or about Amelia Bloomer who saved us all from having to wear corsets and 40 pound dresses.

And I don’t have time to tell you about Liz Ferro’s book Finish Line Feeling.

I will. Just not today.

My Concord

My Concord

I have loved the story of Little Women since I was a little girl. Many many women can say the same thing. A couple of years ago I stumbled upon a children’s book about the woman behind the book. Reading that book to my five year old started an insatiable obsession with Louisa May Alcott. I went on to read two biographies, a book of letters from people who knew her, a book of her journal entries, and started but never finished a book about the author and her philosophical father. They all pretty much said the same thing and to my disappointment, Louisa died at the end of every single one. I knew the obsession had gone too far when my 20 month old daughter picked up a piece of paper, studied it, and said, “Alcott.”

Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott

Louisa’s life was much more interesting than the classic book based loosely on her life. In the book, there was no mention of Fruitlands, an experiment in communal living that almost ended in a broken marriage between her parents. There was no mention of a childhood filled with constant moving, poverty, and a deep thinking father who dearly loved but did not provide for his family. Abba Alcott and her four daughters worked tirelessly to take care of the day-to-day necessities, while Bronson was lost in thought somewhere or another. There was no mention of being home schooled by Henry David Thoreau or of perusing Ralph Waldo Emerson’s library and having that philosophic soul hand pick books for the little girl who would grow up to become the huge success she was.

What a life!

I identified with Louisa’s desire to improve her family’s economic situation. I was inspired by her hard work ethic and willingness to do whatever was needed to bring in as much money as she could for years and years without seeing any improvement in the family finances. I identified with her crazy father and his attempts to live life counter culturally. Louisa was so discouraged by poverty and such a “victim” at times that she seemed unaware of the amazing people that surrounded her and helped her family along the way–Ralph Waldo Emerson being one of the greatest benefactors and supporters of the Alcott family. I remember thinking that I should like to have a benefactor/mentor of my own. How absolutely splendid life would be with devotion and continual support from one who believed in another the way Emerson loved and supported Bronson Alcott.

It was at this point in my journey–the desire to have my own mentor, that amazing events began to unfold for me–happenings that I could not have imagined or planned for myself.

super coach academy

Like Concord, Mass. in the mid to late 1800s, there is a school of philosophy otherwise known as Supercoach Academy currently in session. It was my desire to go in 2012, and listen to the great minds of my time impart knowledge to those who are open to such matters as choices in all situations, inside out experiences of life, unconditional love and so on and so forth. In an attempt to make it to “Concord,” I signed up for and listened to teleconference upon teleconference.

It was one of these programs, A Taste of Supercoach Academy where I first heard Bill Cumming (aka Ralph Waldo Emerson) speak about unconditional love and making a difference. I wanted to start implementing what I heard in that call with my family immediately and I thought, “This is someone I would like to learn more from.”

Fueled by the question, “Who’s going to stop me?” from going to Supercoach Academy, I continued to brainstorm ways to start making money sharing the powerful concepts that I had been exposed to thus far and had been so instrumental in waking me up to life.

On a teleconference regarding creating money with Michael Neill and Steve Chandler (Bronson Alcott and Henry David Thoreau–at this point any of the three of these great teachers can fight over who gets to be who–I just enjoy picturing everyone as 19th century philosophers and writers), I posed the question of what value I could place on having conversations with insurance agents without having had any formal training in insurance sales or coaching.

Michael recommended I speak with Mike Schweppe (one of the top State Farm Insurance agents in the country) and Matt (his son.) I’m sure I heard a twinkle in Michael’s voice as he said, “That should be an interesting conversation.” (Shoot! I’m out of deceased people to compare the Schweppes to.)

I had a wonderful talk with Mike and Matt, who saw right through my “desire” to assist insurance agents in being top producers and posed the question, “What do YOU want?” After hearing my answer, the Schweppes suggested that we have a second conversation with their associate Bill Cumming.

Inside my head I was like, “SHUT UP! NO FREAKING WAY!!!” But my actual response was more like, “Okay. That would be really nice.”

And so my desire to have an Emerson of my own was fulfilled. I am still amazed and thankful for the opportunity to meet, become friends with, and work on projects alongside the Schweppes and Bill.

While I was not able to travel to Concord and attend the modern day School of Philosophy, I look forward to making a pilgrimage one day and seeing Walden Pond and Sleepy Hollow Cemetery for myself. What an amazing time and place those great people lived in all interconnected, sharing new ideas, and producing brilliant works of literature.

What a great time this is!

If you want to learn more from some of the great thinkers of our time,
check out the links below.

Bill Cumming The Boothby Institute
Michael Neill
Matt Schweppe Taking A Stand
Steve Chandler

(I can’t help but think of all of the additional content Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, and the Alcotts would have produced with computers.)

Sarah Boucher blog picture

Sarah Boucher happily encourages women to grow in their power daily at I Am A Powerful Woman. Come join the conversation there. If you are interested in learning more about What One Person Can Do or one on one coaching, you can contact Sarah here.

Be The How Does She Do It Woman!

Are there women in your life that seem to get 10 times the amount of work accomplished in one day than you do in a week or a month? At this point I feel like it is SUPER important that I let you know that I am not one of those women.  I stand back in awe and can’t seem to figure out how they do it all.  I comfort myself from time to time by saying, “Oh, I’m comparing my worst with her best.” But the truth is there are women out there that are on top of things and I want to be more like them, but still be me.

At this point in my life, I am not the woman to come to for

*organization and time management tips

*help building a successful business

*healthy gourmet meals

*DEFINITELY not financial advice

*Decorating or craft advice

*Eventhough I’ve homeschooled my kids for almost a decade–you don’t want to come to me for advice there either.  (That would fall under organization and time management tips.)  While we are not a scholarly family, we do know how to survive 24 hours, 7 days a week in the same home without killing eachother–so that’s an accomplishment!

I am a work in progress.  While I can’t help you with the above list, what I have learned about happiness and well being over the last year is something I want to share with all women.  I know how to feel joyful and peaceful with not enough money to pay the bills, my father on a respirator in ICU, fighting kids, a messy house, and no health insurance.  The list of things I COULD worry about on a daily basis is HUGE and yet most days you won’t find me rocking back and forth in a corner overcome with worry, but you would have five years ago.  So come to me for unconditional love,a deep belief in you, your POWER and possibilities.  Come to me as an example of someone who is working daily to overcome obstacles and improve her life and believes in the same possibilities for you, but for the above list we need an expert in those areas.

Sandi Krakowski

Sandi Krakowski


I am so excited to pass along a FABULOUS Time and Life Management MP3 from Sandi Krakowski.  She is an expert in this area.  Sandi has built 11 successful companies while homeschooling. This is a POWERFUL resource and I hope you will make time now to listen to the whole thing!

Time and Life Management MP3 CLICK! CHECK IT OUT!!!

I am eager to implement what I learned and watch my life be transformed.  I am very SERIOUS about this.  I believe this is the answer to the scattered unfocused manner in which I have been living my adult life.  I hope you find it as useful and exciting!

“How on earth does a Millionaire Mompeneur who homeschools, have recovered from a life threatening illness, has been debt free for almost 5 years now DO IT ALL? I will tell you. But.. it won’t be pretty. It will be facts, figures, nitty gritty, get it DONE already type of information you’ve been craving for. The clients who do what I tell you will make more money, have a better sex life, enjoy their kids and have the business of their dreams.”–Sandi Krakowski at A Real Change
I want to hear what you think about it!  Come to facebook and let me know!

Sending LOVE and POWERFUL thoughts your way!

Sarah Boucher

Connect with me!!/P0WERFULW0MAN

Maples’ Tree and Pick Up Sticks

I had a GREAT trip to Gatlinburg, TN. with my husband’s family–16 of us total.  I asked all of you for advice before we left and loved the responses you gave me!  Thanks!  I gathered from all of the advice that I should spend half of the time drinking and half of the time praying.  I’m still not sure what order I was supposed to do that in.  The advice I was the most tickled over was, “Bite your tongue and bribe your kids.”

There were several fun highlights from the trip I would like to share with you eventually, but for today, I wanted to be sure to tell you about a great store my husband spotted right in the heart of Gatlinburg.  Fourteen of us were weaving in and out of stores rather slowly, constantly counting children’s heads to make sure none were lost when my husband said, “Ah, there’s the perfect bag for you Sarah.”  In the window of a store called Maples’ Tree was a bag that said Think Happy Be Happy!  I thought it was super sweet that Jason saw that and thought of me, but the bag was not really my style.  I got the nerve up to tell him that after we walked in the store to get a better look at the purse.

OH MY GOODNESS!!!  Maples Tree was chock full of positive home decor, t-shirts, and jewelry.  I would have been content to spend the rest of our vacation and possibly my life in that store.  It was like stepping into the positive pages I spend time in on facebook.  Everywhere I looked there was something telling me to believe in myself, be happy, or love someone.

What I couldn’t pass up was this cute two sided charm from a company called Pick Up Sticks, that not only reminds me to dream but also to be present!  LOVE IT!!!  I am happy to be home.  We had such a nice time, but our bed–even though our mattress is too old, is 10 times better than the broken fold out couch my husband and I got stuck with.  The frame was in such bad shape that we moved the mattress to the floor.  BIG IMPOROVEMENT!  We are already talking about where to go next year for our big family vacation.  My sister in law and I are thinking a trip to a beach is in order!  What is your favorite beach destination on the East Coast that has lots of other things to do in addition to hanging out at the beach?  The farther south, the better for us travel wise.  Please comment below.

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