Rosie The Riveter

Do Not Be Afraid

Louisa May Alcott is a woman I greatly admire. Little Women, Louisa’s claim to fame, is a story many women treasure. I grew up watching the June Allison/Elizabeth Taylor version of the movie. I wasn’t much of a reader as a child.

A year and a half ago I was at the library and saw a whole display on L.M.A.

I went nutty nuts!!!

I read a couple of biographies, her journal, and watched a documentary about her. After a few months, I got burnt out. (All of the reading material surprisingly said the same thing and she died every time–huge disappointment.) Louisa was a REALLY hard worker. From the time she was a little girl, she did what had to be done to serve her family. She was truly a POWERFUL woman and her life story IS worth reading about.

I am at a place in my life where I am learning to sail my own ship. I am THRILLED to say that after about 5 or 6 months of my ship being blown off course and tossed about on the sea of life, that I am not afraid.

I spent a great deal of my life in fear. My dad was diagnosed with M.S. when I was four. For some reason, my little brain took in what was going on around me and it all came back out as fear: fear of being poisoned, fear of fire, fear of being harmed. As a young grown up I was afraid of storms after a hail storm totaled every car in my town. So the fact that I am now a single mom to many children, and I’m not FREAKING OUT, is indeed a personal victory.

I see this new reality as an opportunity to grow and as an adventure–not the end of the world.

I would love for you to jump over to I Am A Powerful Woman and share a quote that inspires you!

Thanks for reading!
I Am A Powerful Woman