More Joy. More Peace. More Power.

Tag: Bill Cumming (Page 2 of 2)

What Every Person Can Do

WEPCD image

Why have I started slapping on EVERYTHING?

I’ll tell you why.

I think this message of what every person can do is so important that it belongs in EVERY home, EVERY office, EVERY school, EVERY church, EVERY prison, EVERY community, EVERY government, in EVERY country!

Let me cut to the point. We get one shot to live this life and I want all people everywhere to struggle less.

“Impossible!” you might be saying to yourself.

“That’s a lost cause,” was the actual response of someone very close to me.

Well, in my opinion NOT A SINGLE ONE OF US is a lost cause and I’m willing to spend the rest of my life pursuing that theory.

I have a sincere apology to give you.

I’ve been hogging Bill Cumming all to myself for 3 years.

boothby institute bill cumming

I have this AMAZING resource to share in Bill and his life experience and I haven’t done so. Life is short and Bill’s not getting any younger (sorry Bill.) That’s the truth of the matter. He says he hopes to be around for 20 more years, but there’s no guarantee of that. That FREAKS ME OUT! I feel this sense of urgency to learn everything I can from him and share it.

I want EVERYONE I know to meet Bill and hear what he has to share. His message is not about how SUPER DUPER Bill is. It’s about how SUPER we all are.

It’s a POWERFUL message and it’s made my life easier. It’s helped me understand other people better. It’s made me want to step out of my comfort zone and do everything I can to get it in front of everyone.

Bill has been leading the 12 week program What Every Person Can Do with individuals, in schools, prisons, and in corporations for 30 years and has helped hundreds, if not thousands of people experience their worth, including me. I want you to add your name to that list. I want you to get the chance to hear his story and speak with him personally on Monday night at 8:00 Eastern. This is not a fancy pants recorded call that you can get the link to if you’re not able to make it, although I wish it were. I hope you can make it.

This call is for YOU if:

You are struggling in ANY way at all
You desperately want to help someone who is struggling but don’t know how
You are grumpy all the time
You stay worried a lot
You are going through marital problems
You hate your job
You are frustrated by your children’s behavior
You are rich
You are impoverished
You have a heartbeat

This call is not for you if:

You are a zombie
Your arms are to short to hold the phone up to your head because you are a t-rex
You are a blade of grass
You get the point šŸ™‚

I’m looking forward to talking with all of you on Monday night!
Sarah Boucher

Sarah Boucher blog picture
Sarah Boucher happily encourages women to grow in their power daily at I Am A Powerful Woman. Come join the conversation there.

21 Days of Self Care, Day 1

4 Self Care Thoughts21 Days of Self Care,Day 1

I have experienced the incredible difference that taking time to do Self Care makes in my day. I feel like the 4 Self Care thoughts have become part of my thinking. Because of the overall impact this way of thinking has had in my day to day life, it is easy to become complacent when I wake up feeling peaceful, to skip the routine altogether. ā€œIā€™ll do it after I get the kids off to school,ā€ I say to myself, but then I start my busy day and later never happens.

My kids and husband have also noticed the difference Self Care makes in my day. When Iā€™m not being patient or very loving, they call me out on it. ā€œHave you done Self Care?ā€ EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM has asked me this at some point over the last couple of years.

Iā€™ve written a couple of blog posts and lots of facebook posts about Self Care, but it has yet to become a discipline for me. So even though, Iā€™m mostly relaxed, even in the midst of some pretty chaotic times, I still have lots of off moments and occasional days where Iā€™m a bit of a mess. This has been especially embarrassing when my friend Bill Cumming, who introduced me to Self Care, asks me how often Iā€™m doing it.

Soā€¦itā€™s time. Itā€™s time to get disciplined and experience the full effect Self Care can have on a life so that I can not only live my life to the fullest, but share with you whatā€™s possible as well. I don’t want any of us to suffer needlessly. My life before learning about Self Care was full of unnecessary drama and self inflicted suffering.

For the next 21 days, I am challenging myself to be fully committed to doing Self Care every morning. After reading this post, I hope you’ll take a few minutes to do your own reflection on the 4 Self Care thoughts and see what a difference it makes in your own equanimity. Merriam Webster says equanimity is evenness of mind especially under stress. Self Care WORKS!

Pre-Self Care Thoughts on Day 1

Soā€¦itā€™s 11:00 am. Iā€™ve had 5 hours of thinking time already this morning. These are some of the thoughts Iā€™ve been thinking lately, having not done Self Care consistently for the past few months.

*Most mornings are unpleasant because of my 7 year oldā€™s behavior. I love her but I dread waking her up. This morningā€™s fit was 5 minutes of drama over shoes. I don’t want to dread waking up my children.

*Iā€™m not focused on my goals. I have so many ideas but Iā€™m not making time to work on them. Iā€™m scattered.

* Iā€™ve been REALLY hard on myself. My life, while I feel so blessed, is not what Iā€™d like it to be. Iā€™ve made so many mistakes. BIG MISTAKES. Iā€™m having trouble forgiving myself for not making better choices. I feel ashamed.

*I feel torn. I have a picture in my head of what life can be like on a day to day basis. Iā€™d made the decision to pursue that picture, but reality is saying, ā€œNot yet Missy.ā€ I donā€™t know what Iā€™m supposed to do.

*I feel worried about some unknowns, like my health. I havenā€™t been to a doctor in years and Iā€™m feeling kind of MORTAL these days.

As you can see, my mind visits some dark places. This has been my line of thinking once or twice a day, without the discipline of daily Self Care. Because Iā€™ve done it in the past, I might spend more time than I should stewing over these thoughts, but I donā€™t stay in a constant state of worry or panic like I did before I learned about this invaluable tool. Still, these thoughts are unpleasant and Self Care will snap me out of it, get me grounded in my well-being, and support me in having a wonderful experience of being alive.

The 4 Self Care Thoughts
You can spend a few minutes thinking about these or praying about them. If you decide Self Care is beneficial for you, youā€™ll develop your own way of doing it, but here are the 4 Core Thoughts.

1. We live in a miracle.
2. Everything is interconnected.
3. The ONLY thing I can control is how I choose to BE in the world today.
4. Be gracious to yourself.

Besides thinking about and/or praying about these thoughts, youā€™ll want to reinforce them by reading a couple of pages out of one of these books or a similar book.

Real Love by Greg Baer

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh

A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson

My Grandfatherā€™s Blessings by Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.

Post Self Care Thoughts
Check out the difference!!!

We live in a miracle. Today Iā€™m thankful to be alive, for my family, my health, and all my blessings.
Weā€™re all interconnected. We all effect each other. There is lots of work to do, starting in my home, with my children. If Iā€™ll look past myself and how others are inconveniencing me or not meeting my needsā€¦if Iā€™ll take time to do Self Care and get grounded, Iā€™ll see what I can do daily to help decrease suffering in the world. Iā€™ll see opportunity everywhere.

None of this is about me. I want to share what Iā€™ve experienced with others. I want everyone to have access to more peace and more joy.

The ONLY thing I can control is how I choose to be in the world today. If Iā€™m grounded, Iā€™ll see what needs to be done to show my 7 year old that sheā€™s loved without condition. Iā€™ll have the patience to go into her drama filled world and love her through her meltdowns. Instead of looking at her as an energy taker, I can fill my moments with her with positivity and help her see what choices are available in helping her create a happier experience.

About my health concerns and mortality. What can I do about my concerns today? Do I need to call and make an appointment of some sort? I feel GREAT today. I need to make the most of this day. Itā€™s the ONLY moment I have any guarantee of. How am I going to use my time?

How do I choose to be in the world today?

I choose to be loving, joyful, and peaceful. I choose to not attempt to control the people with whom I live. My husband and I have changed a lot over the years. Weā€™re not on the same page about a lot of things. I love him anyway. All I can control is how I choose to be today. My children are not little Sarahs. I choose to do the best I can to set a good example for them, to offer them loving guidance and hope they make good choices. It only causes me lots of frustration to try to micro manage everybodyā€™s words and actions.

So my life isnā€™t going according to plan. All I can do is the best I can do moving forward. Iā€™ve made mistakes. I can beat myself up and stay down or I can offer myself the same graciousness and love I would a friend and even a stranger. I choose to believe that everything is going to work out the way itā€™s supposed to, whether it ever looks like that from my point of view or not. Iā€™m human and I canā€™t see the bigger picture.

Today I choose to be hopeful,
to do my best,
to love unconditionally,
to be calm,
to be a hard worker,
to take time to pursue my goals,
and to share what Iā€™ve experienced.

WOW! I feel better!

I promise that future posts, concerning this personal Self Care Challenge over the next 20 days, will not be this lengthy. I just wanted to give you an example of my thinking before and after. This shift is possible for all of us, any time of the day, with these 4 simple but POWERFUL thoughts.

What did you think about this post? Can you see yourself using these 4 core thoughts to develop your own Self Care routine? Don’t be shy. Share your comments below. Speaking of sharing, I’d love it if you would share this post if you think the content would be useful to someone you care about.

I Am A Powerful Woman

Sarah Boucher happily encourages women to grow in their power daily over facebook at I Am A Powerful Woman. Come join the conversation there. If you are interested in going through the 12 week conversation What One Person Can Do, you can get in touch with Sarah here.

My Concord

My Concord

I have loved the story of Little Women since I was a little girl. Many many women can say the same thing. A couple of years ago I stumbled upon a childrenā€™s book about the woman behind the book. Reading that book to my five year old started an insatiable obsession with Louisa May Alcott. I went on to read two biographies, a book of letters from people who knew her, a book of her journal entries, and started but never finished a book about the author and her philosophical father. They all pretty much said the same thing and to my disappointment, Louisa died at the end of every single one. I knew the obsession had gone too far when my 20 month old daughter picked up a piece of paper, studied it, and said, ā€œAlcott.ā€

Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott

Louisaā€™s life was much more interesting than the classic book based loosely on her life. In the book, there was no mention of Fruitlands, an experiment in communal living that almost ended in a broken marriage between her parents. There was no mention of a childhood filled with constant moving, poverty, and a deep thinking father who dearly loved but did not provide for his family. Abba Alcott and her four daughters worked tirelessly to take care of the day-to-day necessities, while Bronson was lost in thought somewhere or another. There was no mention of being home schooled by Henry David Thoreau or of perusing Ralph Waldo Emersonā€™s library and having that philosophic soul hand pick books for the little girl who would grow up to become the huge success she was.

What a life!

I identified with Louisaā€™s desire to improve her familyā€™s economic situation. I was inspired by her hard work ethic and willingness to do whatever was needed to bring in as much money as she could for years and years without seeing any improvement in the family finances. I identified with her crazy father and his attempts to live life counter culturally. Louisa was so discouraged by poverty and such a ā€œvictimā€ at times that she seemed unaware of the amazing people that surrounded her and helped her family along the way–Ralph Waldo Emerson being one of the greatest benefactors and supporters of the Alcott family. I remember thinking that I should like to have a benefactor/mentor of my own. How absolutely splendid life would be with devotion and continual support from one who believed in another the way Emerson loved and supported Bronson Alcott.

It was at this point in my journey–the desire to have my own mentor, that amazing events began to unfold for me–happenings that I could not have imagined or planned for myself.

super coach academy

Like Concord, Mass. in the mid to late 1800s, there is a school of philosophy otherwise known as Supercoach Academy currently in session. It was my desire to go in 2012, and listen to the great minds of my time impart knowledge to those who are open to such matters as choices in all situations, inside out experiences of life, unconditional love and so on and so forth. In an attempt to make it to ā€œConcord,ā€ I signed up for and listened to teleconference upon teleconference.

It was one of these programs, A Taste of Supercoach Academy where I first heard Bill Cumming (aka Ralph Waldo Emerson) speak about unconditional love and making a difference. I wanted to start implementing what I heard in that call with my family immediately and I thought, ā€œThis is someone I would like to learn more from.ā€

Fueled by the question, ā€œWhoā€™s going to stop me?ā€ from going to Supercoach Academy, I continued to brainstorm ways to start making money sharing the powerful concepts that I had been exposed to thus far and had been so instrumental in waking me up to life.

On a teleconference regarding creating money with Michael Neill and Steve Chandler (Bronson Alcott and Henry David Thoreau–at this point any of the three of these great teachers can fight over who gets to be who–I just enjoy picturing everyone as 19th century philosophers and writers), I posed the question of what value I could place on having conversations with insurance agents without having had any formal training in insurance sales or coaching.

Michael recommended I speak with Mike Schweppe (one of the top State Farm Insurance agents in the country) and Matt (his son.) I’m sure I heard a twinkle in Michael’s voice as he said, ā€œThat should be an interesting conversation.ā€ (Shoot! Iā€™m out of deceased people to compare the Schweppes to.)

I had a wonderful talk with Mike and Matt, who saw right through my ā€œdesireā€ to assist insurance agents in being top producers and posed the question, ā€œWhat do YOU want?ā€ After hearing my answer, the Schweppes suggested that we have a second conversation with their associate Bill Cumming.

Inside my head I was like, ā€œSHUT UP! NO FREAKING WAY!!!ā€ But my actual response was more like, ā€œOkay. That would be really nice.ā€

And so my desire to have an Emerson of my own was fulfilled. I am still amazed and thankful for the opportunity to meet, become friends with, and work on projects alongside the Schweppes and Bill.

While I was not able to travel to Concord and attend the modern day School of Philosophy, I look forward to making a pilgrimage one day and seeing Walden Pond and Sleepy Hollow Cemetery for myself. What an amazing time and place those great people lived in all interconnected, sharing new ideas, and producing brilliant works of literature.

What a great time this is!

If you want to learn more from some of the great thinkers of our time,
check out the links below.

Bill Cumming The Boothby Institute
Michael Neill
Matt Schweppe Taking A Stand
Steve Chandler

(I canā€™t help but think of all of the additional content Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne, and the Alcotts would have produced with computers.)

Sarah Boucher blog picture

Sarah Boucher happily encourages women to grow in their power daily at I Am A Powerful Woman. Come join the conversation there. If you are interested in learning more about What One Person Can Do or one on one coaching, you can contact Sarah here.

Struggle Less

Sarah Boucher

Struggle Less

Do you feel like all you have ever known is struggle? Even though you know you are blessed, at the end of the day, you still feel like you are strugglingā€“struggling to live peacefully with your spouse, to be consistent with your parenting, to encourage your children to get along, to stay on top of everything at work, to keep the house and yard in shape, to pay the bills, to make ends meet, to ever get ahead?

What if you woke up one morning and life no longer felt like such a challenge? What if all of the circumstances above remained the same but when combined, they no longer had the power to unravel you?

A couple of years ago, I had the honor to go through a 12 week program called What One Person Can Do. Grounded in loving kindness and personal responsibility this program allowed me to discover my value, the power that exists in each of us, and the ability I have to produce a joyful life of contribution and create an atmosphere where others are able to experience that same ability in their own lives. This program has been conducted with individuals and organizations ranging from school systems, Job Corps programs, the Maine State Prison System, YMCAs and corporations for 30 years by Bill Cumming and individuals who he has trained to do this work, known as conveners. I learned a great deal from that conversation, ended up going through the training to become a convener, and am pleased to share one of those life changing lessons with you.

One year ago, my father passed away from complications of Multiple Sclerosis. One month later, my husband and I separated.


I was blindsided. Although he continued to support us financially, for eight months I was a single mother to our five children. Because of the foundation that was laid through the What One Person Can Do conversation, I was able to walk through these painful circumstances with more equanimity than I would have otherwise been able to do. I still went through shock. I still cried on and off for a couple of months. I still made mistakes trying to readjust my life plan, but I survived. I took my life one day at a time. I did not get out in my future and let fear of the unknown take over.

Those of us raised in America, with televisions in our homes, have been taught that it is an outside in world. We have been taught that the right combination of the right possessions, the right job, and the right partner will make us happy. The truth is that happiness is ALWAYS an inside job. It is not our circumstances that make us happy or unhappy, but our thinking about our circumstances. Author Michael Neill says, ā€œWe think we are experiencing reality but what we are really experiencing is our thinking.ā€

So how do we get our thinking about our less than perfect circumstances to improve?
The answer is to develop a daily Self Care routine that includes visiting these four thoughts for a few minutes before you start each day.

1. Life is a gift. The only moment we have any guarantee of is this one.

2. We are ALL interconnected.

3. The ONLY thing I can control today is the way I CHOOSE to BE in the world.

4. Do the best you can and be gracious to yourself.

Self Care is a personal practice and you have to figure out what works for you, but the core ingredients are these four thoughts. Spend a few minutes thinking, meditating, or praying about them and then follow that time up by reading a couple of pages from one of these books that point back to the Self Care thoughts.

Real Love: The Truth About Finding Unconditional Love & Fulfilling Relationships

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)

Living Buddha, Living Christ 10th Anniversary Edition

A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”

My Grandfather’s Blessings: Stories of Strength, Refuge, and Belonging

By making Self Care part of my daily routine, these simple but powerful thoughts changed the way I experienced my life. My life consisted of the same circumstances but my thinking about those events changed.

Thinking about the gift of each day, the brevity of life, helped me become more present in my life. One of my favorite quotes is by Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project. ā€œThe days are long but the years are short.ā€ This life is speeding by and I want to be aware of and cherish each day and person I come in contact with.

Every person on this Earth is interconnected. Our actions each day have a ripple effect. One of the first life changing lessons I learned from Bill is that we donā€™t have to go out and look to make a difference in the world. We already are making a difference. Is it a positive one or a negative one?

I do not have the ability to control anyone (spouse or children included) or anything (broken appliances, vehicles, or the weather) but myself. Once I stopped trying, I experienced less stress, less worry, and more peace.

Learning to be gracious with myself, recognizing that I am doing the best I can each day, accepting those efforts, letting go of the mistakes or shortcomings, and trying again tomorrow has been great for me in conquering feelings of low self esteem and inferiority to others who appear to have the game of life down perfectly.

Yesterday a friend said, ā€œWho wouldnā€™t want a family, a school, or a business with people in it who have mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation?ā€ Those qualities happen to be the definition of equanimity.

You will still experience off days. They happen. By developing your own Self Care routine, most days you can be that person pointing the way to less stress and less struggle for those in your circle of influence.

Sarah Boucher blog picture

Sarah Boucher happily encourages women to find their power daily at
I Am A Powerful Woman. Come join the conversation there. If you are interested in learning more about What One Person Can Do or one on one coaching, you can contact Sarah here.

Are YOU Fed Up?

Are you fed up | I Am A Powerful Woman | Stress | Overwhelm | Fear | Worry

Are YOU Fed Up?

I am looking for 5 women who are fed up with feelings of overwhelm, fear, worry, and low self esteem and are ready to kick all of that negativity to the curb. Itā€™s hard to imagine life without all of that inner turmoil, but I have experienced life both ways, and know that it is possible to struggle less even when outward circumstances are rough.

I will spend 2 hours a week for 12 weeks with five of you, starting July 22nd having one of the most powerful conversations you will ever have. You will leave this 12 week program KNOWING that you are loved, valued, and capable of creating a meaningful, joyous life for yourself and also that you are able to create an environment where those around you experience their own ability to produce the same result in their lives.

The cost of this 12 week program, plus daily access to me Monday through Friday, via a private fb support group, is $740.

In addition, I have asked Bill Cumming, the creator of this powerful conversation, if he would kick off our 12 weeks together in a group call, as well as a call at the end of the 12 weeks, to make sure I delivered the goods. When Bill works with clients in corporations, he charges $800 for an hour of his time so this is an incredible bonus for all of us!

If you are fed up, ready to break out of the daily struggle you have been experiencing, and commit to a more peaceful future of your creating, then send me your five paragraph applicationā€¦Your who, what, what, why, and when.

Who are you? ā€” tell me a little bit about yourself.

What is it you struggle with most?

What do you REALLY want your life to look like?

WHY should you be one of the first five women to go through this 12 week conversation with me?


When is the best fit for youā€¦Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between 9:30-3:30 pm ET, for your weekly appointment? It is super important that you are free of all distraction during these calls. If I can manage it with fiveā€¦ļŠ

Send your letter to

I will review the applications and contact you to set up an introductory call before our July 22nd kick off call with Bill. If 30 people submit applications, I can put you on a waiting list for the next 12 weeks, or if you are READY to have this conversation with another convener before then, let me know that in your letter as well. I will do my best to get you connected with someone.

As a busy mother of five children, I simply do not have time for a full client load. My space is very limited and I want to give the BEST support possible to those who sign on to go through this conversation with me.

I ABSOLUTELY love supporting other women in seeing possibilities. Iā€™m THRILLED to be starting this journey with those of you who are ready to invest in yourself and serious about changing your experience of life.

Sarah Boucher

Sarah Boucher

Sarah Boucher happily encourages women to find their power at I Am A Powerful Woman. Come join the conversation there.

Create A Life You Love To Live!

I started I Am A Powerful Woman because I want to encourage YOU to love yourself, believe in yourself, and challenge yourself to live a life that makes you feel ALIVE! It is AMAZING the amount of energy that becomes available when you are taking care of yourself and doing things you love to do and not just doing what should be done all day every day, week after week, year after year. I used to feel wiped out every day about 3:00. I don’t feel that way anymore. The majority of the time, I go strong up until bed time and I love the difference!

I am still learning along with you and I am having a BLAST!

I’m so excited!!!

All of the details are in order and I can FINALLY tell you the BIG NEWS!!!

Bevin Lynch, an AMAZING coach that I have dreamed of hiring for a year, has a 6 week daily email coaching program called Creating The Life You Love to Live. I want YOU to go through this with ME! I started to go through the program on my own and by DAY 3, by following the exercises, I created a way to hire Bevin to be my coach! This is a POWERFUL program!

I love the POWER of accountability and community! I want to go through Bevin’s program as a group–book club style! Creating The Life You Love To Live starts on July 2nd! When you sign up, you will be invited by me, to a join a private I Am A Powerful Woman/Creating the Life You Love to Live fb group, where we can talk every day about the goals we’ve set, and encourage each other to take action daily. In addition to the fb group, Bevin is going to do 3 live group coaching calls with us!!!

6 weeks of one on one coaching with Bevin would cost $3750 and the group coaching calls are a $500 value. We get all of this life changing content for $99!!! And yes, by listening to her program and doing the exercises, I created a way to hire her! I am still AMAZED!!! What will you create? I can’t wait to hear!

If you use the coupon code “POWERFUL” when you sign up, you will get 50% off of her Well-Being Expo Digital Downloads and The Well-Being Expo Tote Bag. I listened to every class of The Well Being Expo live–while suffering with a stomach virus. I didn’t want to miss it! My mentor, Bill Cumming, was one of the speakers!!!

If you use the code before June 30th, you will be entered in a drawing for a one on one coaching session with Bevin!!!

Go here to see the other bonuses that Bevin has included in her POWERFUL program and sign up today!!!

I can’t wait to meet YOU in the fb group, hear you on the calls with Bevin, and share this journey with you!!!

Let’s get busy CREATING a life we LOVE to live EVERY DAY!!!


Share this fun opportunity with your friends too! I am going to invite some of my friends who live close to do this with me and am planning to have a kick off party July 2nd and a celebration party at the end of the 6 weeks!!! There is POWER in sharing an experience with others! I would love to hear about and see pictures from your group! Woo hoo!

Sending LOVE and POWERFUL thoughts to you today!

Sarah Boucher

Unleash Your Power Through Coaching

Unleash Your Power Through Coaching
CoachingĀ makesĀ the gameĀ of life fun to play.Ā  I want my life to always be fun.Ā  Having someone cheerĀ me on as I’ve made my nextĀ moveĀ over the last two years has beenĀ one of the greatest feelings I have ever known.Ā  Unleash your POWER through coaching like I did.

Coaching is an AMAZING way to get support in reaching a goal or following your dreams!Ā  Stepping out of your comfort zone into the unknown can be really scary.Ā  Some peopleĀ want toĀ do it alone and wouldĀ NEVER consider hiring an individual to support them.Ā 

I am NOT one of those people.

I love team work and the coaching conversations I have had with coaches have offered me more support than my close friends and family members have been able to give me.Ā  Often, those closest to us are the ones snuffing out our attempts to grow.Ā  I am willing to pay for 100% support!Ā 

TheĀ fact of the matter is this.Ā  We all have the POWER to reach our goals without hiring a coach.Ā  Michael Neill, a very highly paid coach says, “No one NEEDS a coach.Ā  What coaching does is gives you accelerated results.”Ā  (That is not verbatim.)Ā  The truth is I don’t want to wait for years and years to reach my desired resultĀ and proclaim how I did it on my own.Ā  I love exploring possibilities with another person.Ā 

I want 100% support and I want to give 100% support. I want to support you as you unleash your power through coaching.

I’m tired of being shot down and told how what is in my heart can never be.Ā 

“What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.”

WhatĀ isĀ it you want to achieve?

Coaching works best when you have some skin in the game.Ā  You need to be committed to yourself and to the process.Ā  I haveĀ gainedĀ my knowledgeĀ about coaching from very successful coaches who charge $1000 for an hourĀ of their time and between $30,000 to $50,000Ā  a year to be their apprentice.Ā  I want to offer every day women, like myself, who don’t have an extra $30,000 laying around, coaching at an affordable price! IĀ am looking forwardĀ to supporting you as you grow in your POWER!!!

Send an email toĀ 
Subject line Introductory Coaching Call

In the call we will discuss what areas of your life you want coaching around. We will see if my style fits with your goal and if it does, we will discuss a coaching plan to fit your budget!

What One Person Can Do
In addition to coaching, I also offer the What One Person Can Do conversation. I was trained by Bill Cumming to hold this conversation with others. To find out more about that program, click on the link. If you are interested in What One Person Can Do in addition to coaching or on its own, please put What One Person Can Do in the subject line of your email.

I Am A Powerful Woman

Sending you lots of love and POWER!

SarahĀ Boucher











Unleash Your Power With Self Care

Self Care helps me get centered–grounded in my well being.Ā  When I approach my day this way, I have a better experience of life.Ā  Circumstances that would normally send me over the edge are easily handled and life moves on.Ā  I have experienced a major shift in my life because of practicing self care.

We are taught that the world is an outside in deal–that things outside of us make us happy.Ā  When I get this thing I’ve always wanted, then I will be happy.Ā  The truth is that happiness is ALWAYS an inside out job.Ā  This is why self care is crucial.Ā  Michael Neill says, “We think we are experiencing reality but what we are really experiencing is our thinking.”Ā  Making Self Care a habit has definitely helped me with my thinking.


Self Care is a very personal practice.Ā  You have to find the right combination for you, but I will offer you the same starting place that was given to me.

These four Self Care thoughts come from Bill Cumming.Ā  His organization is called The Boothby Institute.Ā Bill recommends spending time each morning thinking about these four main points and then reading a couple of pages from authors like Marianne Williamson, Don Miguel Ruiz, and Greg Baer, whose books reinforce the main ideas of Self Care.

Self Care Thoughts

  1. We live in a miracle.
  2. We are ALL interconnected.
  3. The ONLY thing I can control today is the way I CHOOSE to BE in the world.
  4. Be gracious with yourself.

When I first started self care, I thought about these four thoughts and then tacked on The Four Agreements too.

  1. Be impeccable with your word.Ā  (Don’t use your words to hurt yourself or others.
  2. Don’t take anything personally.Ā  (Nothing others do or say is because of you.Ā  It’s their own drama.)
  3. Don’t make assumptions.Ā  (Don’t assume you know what others are thinking or that they know what you are thinking.)
  4. Always do your best.Ā  (Your best changes from day to day.)

Doing self care that way worked for me, but now I do it differently.Ā  I pray about the Self Care thoughts and then pray about whatever else I want to pray about.Ā  It just seems natural to me in thinking about the miracle of life, to thank God for it right then and there.Ā  That may or may not work for you. Ā There are no rules. Ā I only know that taking time to dwell on those four points does make an incredible difference in the way I experience a day.

If you find yourself in the middle of the day ungrounded–do self care.Ā  It makes sense that if it works in the beginning of the day that it would work in the middle too.

I want all of us to go through our days with MORE JOY, MORE PEACE, and MORE POWER and Self Care is a very effective way to do so. I created a one page Self Care Guide that you can print off. I use it from time to time to help my wandering mind stay focused. I even skip around from one section of the page to another as my thoughts roam, filling out whatever part of the page the thought fits into.

In addition to the Daily Self Care Guide, hereā€™s a link to an AMAZING video that leaves me feeling like Iā€™ve just done Self Care every time I watch it.

I hope you enjoy these resources and please feel free to share them with others!

I Am A Powerful Woman shirt

Sarah Boucher happily encourages women to grow in their power daily at I Am A Powerful Woman. Come join the conversation there. Ā If you have questions regarding the 12 week program What One Person Can Do or the online version What Every Person Can Do, you can get in touch with SarahĀ here.



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