More Joy. More Peace. More Power.

Tag: Linda Pritcher


I Would Never

My mom and I visited The Hemingway House in 2015.

For someone who judged Ernest Hemingway’s character pretty harshly, I feel like I quote him often in blog posts.

The longer I live, the more I see I’m in no position to judge another person for anything ever. I believe we’re capable of making the same life choices if given the same set of circumstances, decisions that either enrich or bring destruction to our lives.

We tend to sit in judgment of other people based on our experiences, not theirs. We’re all just humans being humans. No one is without reproach.

“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.” ― Ernest Hemingway

A Farewell to arms
Hemingway’s writing studio and safari trophy room

Are You Broken?

Three years ago, when I was going through an especially tough time, my wise friend, Linda Pritcher posed the question, “Are you broken?”

I felt very broken.

“Do you look at other people and think, ‘They are broken.'”

My answer was no.

I don’t see anyone as broken beyond repair. They aren’t broken, just a little cracked.

This made me think about the Japanese art form Kintsugi, where the cracks in a once-perfect pottery piece are filled with gold, making that pottery one of a kind and more valuable than it was to begin with.

We are kind of like pottery. We’re born perfect and collect cracks as we grow.

Conversations with Linda always leave me uplifted. That day was no exception. For as long as I held onto the thought that I was just like everyone else, I was able to show myself grace. Over the years I ended up forgetting this truth.

I’m going to write down I AM NOT BROKEN. I’m going to stick it somewhere I can be reminded of often.

Bringing It Full Circle

I was having a discussion with a friend about some messy situations in my life. I’ve felt so broken over the last few months. So hopeless. This stronger at the broken places quote came to mind.

Ernest and Pauline

Through personal examination of the quote and my previous feelings of accusation against Ernie H, I’ve discovered that Sarah Boucher and Ernest Hemingway are more alike than we are different. I’m no better than him. When put to the test, I could easily take some of the same paths he took if I’d had his childhood, teenage experiences, friends, marriages, so on and so forth.

Someone in my shoes would’ve made similar choices as I have.

If I were in your circumstances, I’d most likely make many of the same choices you’ve made.

You and I are the same. We are not broken people, just cracked, and there’s a neverending supply of gold to fill said cracks, to make us stronger at our broken places.

My mom told me years ago, “You are neither more valuable nor less valuable than anyone else.”

Bill Cumming, my friend, and mentor would later reinforce this lesson. I would encourage you to visit Bill’s and Linda’s websites. They are both wonderful resources.

Oh, and Mr. Hemingway, I feel I owe you an apology.

The Sixth Sense

Ernest Hemingway, I see you.

No One is Coming to Save Me

That Was Then

When Jason moved out of the house two years ago, my friend Joe said, “You’re going to be a different person in a year.”  He was referring to the “roller coaster” of emotions and changes that come with separation, divorce, and finding your place in the world.  I didn’t believe him at all. I was who I’d always been and I was determined to stay that way. Joe was well into his own “roller coaster” ride and much to my dismay, knew exactly what he was talking about.

In 2011, I experienced a BOOM in my personal development journey.  It was like an emotional Renaissance. I felt so ALIVE…so excited to be growing…to be thinking invigorating, life changing thoughts.

2012 brought the first separation and heartbreak. I tried to maintain the positive attitude, but I was in crisis.  I used what I’d learned from the previous year to stay afloat. That’s all I did. It’s basically where I found myself this morning, looking at my surroundings, overwhelmed and in tears. Actually I know that I’ve regressed back into a victim mindset.  At some point, I laid my POWER at my feet and have stood by helplessly, waiting for someone…anyone to come along, pick it up, and place it back in my hands. Friends have tried to tell me it’s there, but I didn’t believe them. There’s no way it would still be where I laid it down. I never even looked down to see if they were telling me the truth.

Stuck in the Muck

Over the last couple of years, I’ve grieved.  I’ve experienced intense loneliness.  I’ve been afraid. I’ve been immobilized. I’ve felt hopeless.  I’ve made choices I regret. I’ve turned into someone I don’t recognize.  I’m afraid to run into people from my past because I don’t want them to see what a mess my life is.  

I feel like a baby grown up. I don’t even know where to begin or what to do to save myself. I’ve just been surviving all these years. I’ve stayed trapped in my head with all of these negative thoughts bullying me around day in and day out.

What I hear all day are words like, “Failure…hopeless situation…incapable…impossible…lonely…all alone…”

In the words of my friend Rachelle, “What the crap?!”

On a particularly rough day last fall, I recognized that my thoughts weren’t exactly working for me. I was having trouble snapping out of my funk. Music wasn’t helping lift my mood, so I turned to The Happier Podcast for a dose of positivity.  Gretchen Rubin and Liz Craft feel like old friends at this point. They helped me through a dark time, but it wasn’t enough. My POWER was still lying at my feet.

Some time around Christmas,  my friend Jeri gave me the book 40 Days to a Joy-Filled Life.

This Is Now

Between the podcast, the book, heart to heart conversations with Bill Cumming and Linda Pritcher, and the ongoing love and support from my tribe, this morning I looked down at my feet and was delighted to see that my POWER was still there, waiting for me to pick it back up. Kind of like Dorothy’s ruby red slippers. I had it all along.

While friends and family can cheer me on and hold my hand when the days seem dark and scary, they can’t do this hard work  for me. I see again, like I did in 2011 when I decided that the victim mindset was no way to live, that no one is coming to save me.

With my POWER firmly in my grasp, I still don’t see HOW this is all going to work out, but I have hope that it will. HOPE.

From time to time, I catch this beautiful vision for my POWERFUL woman life.  

A life where I–

  • Indulge in creative projects
  • Think outside the box
  • Am fearless
  • Am a good support system for my children, emotionally AND financially
  • Have confidence and embrace my individuality
  • Believe the impossible for myself and others
  • Love with my whole heart (including myself)
  • Am fully alive and present
  • Have overflowing peace and joy
  • Have an inviting home
  • Have enough and then some to share

I won’t have time to worry about whether or not there’s a partner to share the journey with. If one should happen to join me down the road, great.  If not, great– because I will truly be happy in this life I will have created for myself.

Action Makes Traction

I have to guard my thoughts and words.  I can’t say, “Victim. Broken. Hopeless,” and expect to see strength, healing, and success.

I’m not stuck.  This isn’t how the story ends.  I know this because…MEMES. Memes don’t lie.

I’m ready to make traction.  I’m done being a victim. I own this life.  I own my choices past and present. I own my POWER. I’m moving out of my own way.

This week I’m going to set specific goals so I can track my actions and one day find myself in my vision, looking back on this day with a happy heart.

Even if I don’t make it…if I die next week, I’ll have lived fully until then, proving that happiness is in the journey, not the destination.  Again…Memes don’t lie.

As the gurus say, “Onward.”

And some say, “Onward and upward.”

Thank you for reading.  Thank you for being part of my tribe and for allowing me to be part of yours.

Much Love,


If you’ve survived the “roller coaster” and have your feet firmly planted back on solid ground, I’d love to hear your best advice for keeping my hands and feet inside the cart at all times and making it back in one piece. You can share that right here or message/leave a comment over on Facebook. This site probably isn’t the most user friendly at this point (especially on a smart phone.) I’ll work on that.