More Joy. More Peace. More Power.

Tag: value

To Be Seen

The other night, I was feeling so flat.  My girls left earlier that morning for their weekly 3 night stretch with their dad.  I’m always low that first day they’re away. I haven’t figured out how to be a part time mom yet or much of anything about single life.  This crap is challenging.

I called my mom and asked her to accompany me to a laundromat while I washed my comforter.  We talked while I watched the suds and flower comforter swirl around in the oversized machine.  

“I think I missed my calling as a laundromat attendant.”

My mom laughed.

She’s a retired therapist.  We talked about her new apartment, my kids, our spiritual journey, laundry…

On our way to get ice cream afterward, I told her that I felt like I was being a big baby because I can’t seem to move beyond all of these feelings of loss and grief and I know there are people with major problems and mine pale in comparison.

She posed this question. “Imagine you lost your leg.  Would that hurt?”

I’m sure I said something like, “Yeah.  Of course.”

“And then you met someone who lost both of their legs.  Would that make the loss of your own leg any less painful?”

She then listed some of the painful events I’ve experienced in my life, from my Dad’s illness over the course of my childhood and his passing, all the way up to my marital problems and the end of that relationship.  She listed the concerns that weigh on me daily and the struggles I’m currently facing and then commended me on being a survivor.

While this didn’t make my concerns vanish, I walked away from the visit feeling loved and seen.  

To Be Seen

To be seen is huge.  There are a few conversations that stand out in my memory where someone told me that they saw me and it really had an impact on me.

The phrase To Be Seen keeps running through my mind, but really To Be Acknowledged is probably an easier way to express what I’m trying to say.

I feel like, especially in a marriage, one of the biggest desires either spouse has is to have their efforts acknowledged and to feel appreciated.  Everyone is doing their part to take care of the relationship, household, and family, but those efforts most often go unseen, unappreciated.

Even outside of a marriage, what about in the workplace?  Doesn’t everyone want to be seen and appreciated for their contribution?  Don’t employees want their bosses to value the work they do and all the money they make for the company?    

What about in any relationship ever?  Parents and children, friends, you name it.  We all just want to be valued.

So let’s do that for each other.  Let’s SEE the woman behind the cash register, the man at the drive thru window, our co workers, our significant others, our children…our parents.

Just a thought.  Take it or leave it.  I hope you take it and I also hope that you can feel that even though I can’t physically see you, I SEE YOU.  I know that you’re out there today, doing what you do, with your whole heart for the people you love. I SEE YOU.

Sarah Boucher happily encourages women to grow in their power daily at I Am A Powerful Woman. Come join the conversation there.

Why Have a Mind?

why have a mind

Keep an open mind. Be open to new thoughts and experiences.

Don’t shut out possibilities because you’ve made up your mind a long time ago that life is the way it is.

Embrace life! Embrace people who see the world differently than you do. We’re all just people.

Not a SINGLE one of us has more worth than another.

I don’t have less worth than Mother Teresa.

Am I A Fool

I don’t have more worth than someone who has committed rape or murder. I may be less of a threat, but my life is not more valuable than theirs or less valuable than Mother Teresa’s and neither is yours.

Don’t agree with me or find it hard to accept that you’re made of the same stuff Mother Teresa was?

Do you want to talk about it?

I do. How about this Monday?
Grab your spot on Monday night’s call here.

Be there or be square. 🙂
Just joking. I’m looking forward to talking with YOU Monday night.


Sarah Boucher blog picture

Sarah Boucher happily encourages women to grow in their power daily at I Am A Powerful Woman. Come join the conversation there.

What Every Person Can Do

WEPCD image

Why have I started slapping on EVERYTHING?

I’ll tell you why.

I think this message of what every person can do is so important that it belongs in EVERY home, EVERY office, EVERY school, EVERY church, EVERY prison, EVERY community, EVERY government, in EVERY country!

Let me cut to the point. We get one shot to live this life and I want all people everywhere to struggle less.

“Impossible!” you might be saying to yourself.

“That’s a lost cause,” was the actual response of someone very close to me.

Well, in my opinion NOT A SINGLE ONE OF US is a lost cause and I’m willing to spend the rest of my life pursuing that theory.

I have a sincere apology to give you.

I’ve been hogging Bill Cumming all to myself for 3 years.

boothby institute bill cumming

I have this AMAZING resource to share in Bill and his life experience and I haven’t done so. Life is short and Bill’s not getting any younger (sorry Bill.) That’s the truth of the matter. He says he hopes to be around for 20 more years, but there’s no guarantee of that. That FREAKS ME OUT! I feel this sense of urgency to learn everything I can from him and share it.

I want EVERYONE I know to meet Bill and hear what he has to share. His message is not about how SUPER DUPER Bill is. It’s about how SUPER we all are.

It’s a POWERFUL message and it’s made my life easier. It’s helped me understand other people better. It’s made me want to step out of my comfort zone and do everything I can to get it in front of everyone.

Bill has been leading the 12 week program What Every Person Can Do with individuals, in schools, prisons, and in corporations for 30 years and has helped hundreds, if not thousands of people experience their worth, including me. I want you to add your name to that list. I want you to get the chance to hear his story and speak with him personally on Monday night at 8:00 Eastern. This is not a fancy pants recorded call that you can get the link to if you’re not able to make it, although I wish it were. I hope you can make it.

This call is for YOU if:

You are struggling in ANY way at all
You desperately want to help someone who is struggling but don’t know how
You are grumpy all the time
You stay worried a lot
You are going through marital problems
You hate your job
You are frustrated by your children’s behavior
You are rich
You are impoverished
You have a heartbeat

This call is not for you if:

You are a zombie
Your arms are to short to hold the phone up to your head because you are a t-rex
You are a blade of grass
You get the point 🙂

I’m looking forward to talking with all of you on Monday night!
Sarah Boucher

Sarah Boucher blog picture
Sarah Boucher happily encourages women to grow in their power daily at I Am A Powerful Woman. Come join the conversation there.

The Greatest Victory

The Greatest Victory

There is a battle that rages daily in our homes. Each life is effected differently but EVERYONE is touched. There is no escape and it’s not a battle that anyone can fight for you or that you will be able to fight for those you care about.

If the battle is not won, some may be held hostage their entire lives, self worth will never be discovered, dreams will never be realized, and lives will be half lived. This is actually a very serious problem and extends beyond the surface I am scratching here. It’s the reason we struggle in any given area of our lives from being disorganized to struggling to live a healthier lifestyle to you name it. This battle is the battle of the mind.

It is constant, as you know, but there is hope. Peace among the inner voices is indeed possible.

“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.” –Aristotle

I had so much fun making this short YouTube video below. In it, I share a couple of tips that have been useful to me in going into battle against myself.

I Am A Powerful Woman | Sarah Boucher | Self Talk

In the comments below the video, I’d love to hear about any secret weapons you’ve used that have been effective in the battle you’ve been fighting. We’re all in different places. You may be home from the battle of the mind a disciplined, self confident, victorious warrior. Please share any resources you know will help the rest of us.

If you like the video, please share it with your friends and be sure to subscribe to my channel to see more.

Until next time, keep growing in your POWER.


5 Posts YOU Loved

5 Posts YOU Loved

In a recent blog I talked about the writer’s BLOCK I’ve had for some time. Between that and facebook’s recent algorithm changes, I’ve mostly been sharing great posts from other pages. I enjoy sharing what encourages me. I don’t share random thoughts or posts from others. You’ll be able to tell what’s going on in my world by the posts I share. Occasionally I share posts that don’t apply to me. If I do, it’s because I think it might encourage a friend going through a difficult time, but mostly I see one and I’m like, “I really needed to see this today.”

I think it’s interesting to look at the ones that get the most response from you.

Here are the Top 5 Posts YOU Loved from this past week.
Click on each image to be connected to the corresponding facebook page.

#5 From Joy of Mom
Joy of Mom Trust Your Gut
I posted this one because I hear my gut more clearly than I used to. That doesn’t mean I always listen, but I know the minute I tell someone I’m going to do something whether it’s in line with my gut/soul’s vision.

#4 From Sara Brown – Use it 2 lose it
You Are Amazing
This one was shared because I think all of you are absolutely AMAZING women and I want to encourage you to see yourselves that way.

#3 From
Love Yourself
When I was at rock bottom 7 years ago, I asked my mom, who happens to be a therapist (her words come in handy in rock bottom moments like these) how I could get some confidence. I felt completely useless and worthless. She told me about Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements and then she said, “You are neither more nor less important than anyone else.” All of that NEW information was a turning point for me. It wasn’t an instant fix. I had to work on it, but over time I have come to see myself as worthy of love from myself and it’s made a HUGE difference. I want everyone struggling with low self esteem to experience that difference too.

#2 From Sue Fitzmaurice, Author
Get Out of Your Head
I’ve spent way too many days stuck in my head. It can be a very unpleasant place to be stuck when it’s filled with worry, fear, or self loathing. I just finished reading Finish Line Feeling by Liz Ferro. I love the way she describes what running does for her. “Running is a time during which your soul is both purged and rejuvenated. Running with a good friend is the best remedy for what ails you that a person could wish for, as your sweat washes away the sludge built up in your mind and your heart. It’s as if your problems somehow sweat themselves out of your pores, becoming dried-up salt that you can simply brush away.” I’m pretty sure that whatever means of exercise one uses, similar results are produced.I want to spend the least amount of time trudging around in my head as possible.

#1 From A Mighty Girl
Self Love
This post got the most likes this week. My theory is that as moms, we all want to spare our daughters the grief and crap we’ve been through in learning to love ourselves. The quicker we can recognize our value and learn to love ourselves, the better off our daughters will be. They’ll know how special they are from the time they are little and be able to get to living life to the fullest at an earlier age. This is what I want for my girls and my boys.

I LOVE to hear your thoughts, so always feel free to make comments on posts no matter what page they’re from. Let me know how you are.

I hope you have an AMAZING week. Don’t forget about Self Care 🙂

4 Self Care Thoughts

10 Attributes of a POWERFUL Woman


Powerful women are full of wonderful qualitites. Here are 10 attributes of a POWERFUL woman that happen to all begin with the letter A.

Intentional? Yes.

Cheesy? Yes.

Here they are in no particular order.

#1 Attitude
A positive attitude is extremely important in your day to day life. Negative people and circumstances cannot dampen your day with rain clouds full of fear, judgment, chaos, and bad boundaries. Armed with a good attitude, you smile and carry on about your business. You have learned not to take the actions and opinions of others personally.

#2 Adaptable
When life throws you a curve ball, you do not give up. You look for a variety of ways to adapt and overcome this unexpected life change. You know there are choices available to you in every situation and that you’re not stuck.

#3 Adventurous
Even when fear is present, you feel compelled to pursue a life filled with challenges and adventure. You know that taking on a challenge makes you a stronger woman and you know where life begins.

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”― Neale Donald Walsch

#4 Affectionate
You are not afraid to let others know they are loved and cared for. You are an advocate for those who have no voice. Your love is FIERCE and you will fight to protect what is yours, the innocent, and the enslaved. Your love for others makes you a warrior.

#5 Ageless
You know as long as you have breath, you are making a difference in the world and that difference will outlast your existence on this planet. We are all interconnected and everything you say or do effects the rest of us. You will never be too old to learn something new or share your experiences with others. Even when your body fails you, you will continue to love and bless others with your presence.

#6 Appreciative
Life is a gift and you are thankful for every moment of it. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for and it is those blessings and that great attitude that keep you going when times get tough.

#7 Attentive
When you are with another person, you’re there 100%. They are able to experience their value because you’re giving them your full attention. Every conversation is a potential life changer.

#8 Aspiring
You are aspiring to do your best every day and grow in your power, by continuously learning new things and implementing what you’ve learned.

#9 Authentic
You are your own woman. You are not concerned with what others may think of your bold actions. You have a job to do while you’re on this earth. You embrace your gifts and strengths and use them to bless the lives of everyone you meet.

#10 Awake
One day you woke up to your potential as a POWERFUL woman. It might have been through a conversation with a friend, a teacher, a parent, a book, or this feeling of self worth that you’ve always carried with you through life. However it happened, it happened, and you got in touch with your value in the world and the difference that your life makes to the rest of us. You are passionate about sharing your experience with others so they too can see their value and potential!
Strong Women

I’d love to hear what other attributes come to mind when you think of POWERFUL women? You can tell me here or over on facebook. See ya there!
Sarah Boucher blog picture

Sarah Boucher happily encourages women to find their power daily at
I Am A Powerful Woman. Come join the conversation there. If you are interested in learning more about What One Person Can Do or one on one coaching, you can contact Sarah here.

Are YOU Fed Up?

Are you fed up | I Am A Powerful Woman | Stress | Overwhelm | Fear | Worry

Are YOU Fed Up?

I am looking for 5 women who are fed up with feelings of overwhelm, fear, worry, and low self esteem and are ready to kick all of that negativity to the curb. It’s hard to imagine life without all of that inner turmoil, but I have experienced life both ways, and know that it is possible to struggle less even when outward circumstances are rough.

I will spend 2 hours a week for 12 weeks with five of you, starting July 22nd having one of the most powerful conversations you will ever have. You will leave this 12 week program KNOWING that you are loved, valued, and capable of creating a meaningful, joyous life for yourself and also that you are able to create an environment where those around you experience their own ability to produce the same result in their lives.

The cost of this 12 week program, plus daily access to me Monday through Friday, via a private fb support group, is $740.

In addition, I have asked Bill Cumming, the creator of this powerful conversation, if he would kick off our 12 weeks together in a group call, as well as a call at the end of the 12 weeks, to make sure I delivered the goods. When Bill works with clients in corporations, he charges $800 for an hour of his time so this is an incredible bonus for all of us!

If you are fed up, ready to break out of the daily struggle you have been experiencing, and commit to a more peaceful future of your creating, then send me your five paragraph application…Your who, what, what, why, and when.

Who are you? — tell me a little bit about yourself.

What is it you struggle with most?

What do you REALLY want your life to look like?

WHY should you be one of the first five women to go through this 12 week conversation with me?


When is the best fit for you…Monday, Wednesday, or Friday between 9:30-3:30 pm ET, for your weekly appointment? It is super important that you are free of all distraction during these calls. If I can manage it with five…

Send your letter to

I will review the applications and contact you to set up an introductory call before our July 22nd kick off call with Bill. If 30 people submit applications, I can put you on a waiting list for the next 12 weeks, or if you are READY to have this conversation with another convener before then, let me know that in your letter as well. I will do my best to get you connected with someone.

As a busy mother of five children, I simply do not have time for a full client load. My space is very limited and I want to give the BEST support possible to those who sign on to go through this conversation with me.

I ABSOLUTELY love supporting other women in seeing possibilities. I’m THRILLED to be starting this journey with those of you who are ready to invest in yourself and serious about changing your experience of life.

Sarah Boucher

Sarah Boucher

Sarah Boucher happily encourages women to find their power at I Am A Powerful Woman. Come join the conversation there.

You Don’t Have to Apologize

Andy Andrews quote

You Don’t Have to Apologize
I have been known to take responsibility and apologize for many things that are not my fault. I was dubbed Sorry Sarah in fourth grade because I constantly said, “I’m sorry.”

It was not until I apologized for walking near someone in the grocery store (I wasn’t even in the way) that I realized I had a problem.

That day I got mad. I wasn’t less of a person. There was NO reason for me to lower my head and apologize for breathing the same air as this gentleman. It was on this day that my quest for higher self esteem began.

If you happen to think, “Hey! That’s me too,” I have good news for you!
You don’t have to apologize anymore, unless you want to.

Four Thoughts to Turn Your Thinking Around

I am very fortunate to have a therapist in my family, so I went straight to my mom and said, “How do I feel better about myself?”

I was going through a really tough time in my life. I was having trouble in my marriage. I felt like I had no idea who I was and why I felt so bad about myself—why I felt like less of a person.

My therapist mother told me to start with The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

1. Be Impeccable With Your Word

“Avoid using words to speak against yourself, or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love, always.”

Working on mastering the first agreement was what turned it all around for me and my self esteem started improving. When I noticed that I was beating myself up, I was able to correct it and use my words “in the direction of truth and love.”

You don’t have to apologize for taking up space when you realize you have value in the world.


“Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. All people live in their own dream, in their own mind; they are in a completely different world from the one we live in. When we take something personally, we make the assumption that they know what is in our world, and we try to impose our world on their world.”

There is great relief in learning not to take the negative actions of others personally when their actions seem directed at you. It is their drama, not yours.


Don’t assume other people know what you are thinking and don’t assume you know what they are thinking.

“We make all sorts of assumptions because we don’t have the courage to ask questions.”


“Just do your best–in any circumstance in your life. It doesn’t matter if you are sick or tired, if you always do your best there is no way you can judge yourself. And if you don’t judge yourself there is no way you are going to suffer from guilt, blame, and self-punishment. By always doing your best, you will break a big spell you have been under.”

I am bound and determined that the words Sorry Sarah will NOT be on my gravestone!

“My life will not be an apology. It will be a statement.”-Andy Andrews

You don’t have to apologize for your dreams!

You don’t have to apologize for being you!

Grab a copy of The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book) Break the old agreements you have with yourself and replace them with these life changing ones!

I would love for you to come connect with me at I Am A Powerful Woman.

I Am A Powerful Woman

Unleash Your Power

Every one of us is as POWERFUL as ROSIE is!

We are as capable and POWERFUL as the woman we admire most!

How exciting is that?!

Everything we admire about women like Oprah, Maya Angelou, Helen Keller, Princess Di, Rosa Parks, J.K. Rowling, Gloria Steinem, Mother Teresa–we have what each of them have or had inside of us!  We were all born with that very same capacity to do great good and creative things in the world and we can access it.  It’s inside of each of us right now.

Take a minute and let that in!!!

Now, grab a pen and paper and write down a list of the women you admire most and what they do or have done that makes them someone to look up to.

Look at your list.

Those women do not have more value in the world than YOU do because of their talent or things they have accomplished in their lives.  You have just as much value to me as any one of the women on that list, regardless of what you may have accomplished or what you have failed at.  It does not matter.  You have VALUE and YOU are loved! (and so am I!)

Now, write your full name at the top of your list!

This I Am a Powerful Woman mindset is a new way of thinking for me.  My life feels like  a THRILLING adventure because of it!  Because of the POWERFUL transformation I went through, I believe it is ABSOLUTELY essential to support you in achieving the same result in your life.  I cannot enjoy this new way of living knowing that you may be feeling as insecure, lonely, and overwhelmed as I was two years ago.  I was mostly miserable and now I am mostly exuberant!

I am not an expert in anything but my own experience.  My life from the traditional definition of success, screams struggle and impending failure.  That’s okay.  I’m on a journey and it’s really just getting started.  I’ve got BIG goals and my story is not complete.  I invite you to follow me as I continue to grow and to grow along with me into your own POWER!  I would LOVE nothing more than to be on this journey together!  Sign up below for my weekly newsletter.  You will get an update from me and I will pass along resources and programs that will inspire and be of use to you in your journey!