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Category: Single Woman

I’m Single Single

I’m single single.  For the last couple of years  I was only “kind of” single. I had a good friend I talked with every day.  I spent most of the time that my girls were away, with him. He often felt like more than just my friend but it really wasn’t ever a good fit.  It was more than he wanted and not quite enough for me. I considered myself overly attached and FINALLY decided to take a few steps back.  

How’s That Working Out For You?

That’s going…okay.  

I miss the daily interaction; hanging out, watching movies, playing cards, enjoying a fire, coffee…adult beverages, inside jokes.  I miss talking to my friend. We still catch up here and there, but it’s definitely different. It was different from the beginning though. Like I said, it wasn’t ever a great fit, but I’m thankful for his friendship and hope that we’ll always be friends in some capacity.    

It’s been an adjustment.  I’ve logged hours of Izombie.  I’ve read the first and most of the second Hunger Games series.  That Katniss–she knows all about boy drama. I’ve spent time with other friends.  I’ve started a podcast with a friend that’s coming together v-e-r-y slowly, but hopefully will pick up speed and be a thing I can share with you in a couple of months. 

I’m still not plugged into my world, the way I envision.  I haven’t fully settled into my apartment. It’s only been 6 months.  Should I really be all the way unpacked?   

Now that I’m single single, I’m back to trying to make sense of the changes that have taken place in my life.

Yeah Yeah. Good Luck With That.

Single is weird when half of a couple is all you’ve known your entire adulthood.

One of the most annoying things about being single, besides the occasional bouts of intense loneliness, is that everybody (all the single men) look like possibilities.  It’s like you can’t help but consider what that potential relationship would look like. Why does that have to be a thought?  

My goal is to NOT rush into another daily male friendship–one that could potentially become more.

BUT! what I say I want and I what I end up doing are usually not the same thing.  

If I’m being completely transparent here, there’s another “friend” that I talk to fairly often who could easily fill the void.  That seems like a dangerous path to take. I really don’t want to have a second “different kind of friend” so I’m taking EXTRA care to focus on finding Sarah and not another hiding place.  Someday, I’m sure I’ll want to date, but that’s a way off still. By a way off, I mean at least another week or two.

I kid. 

Jealous Much?

Tonight I stood on my almost ex husband’s front porch and said goodnight to my girls.  He and his girlfriend of two years, stood up to go inside. We exchanged friendly goodbyes and they went into their home, where they’ll settle down for the night…together–like couples do.  

I’m jealous.  I’ll admit it.  I’m not jealous that they’re together.  I’m jealous that I don’t also have a person. I don’t want them to not have each other (most of the time.)  I care about that guy that I had five kids with. I want him to be happy. I care about her, as a fellow human. There’s just always seemed to me to be an unfairness about the whole situation.  Why do they get each other and I’m left to figure life out on my own?  

Because I Say So…

Because…this is the battle I’ve been called to fight.  My feelings about this single life are strong. So many of us rush from relationship to relationship instead of figuring out how to be happy alone.  I FEEL deep inside that the path for me is to get this lesson down before moving on. It’s a tough one, but I’m going to keep trying. That’s the goal anyway. 

I don’t see what I’m looking for in the relationship department occurring for a very long time. By very long time, I mean a month or two. More comedy (but also a loophole, just in case.)

I’ve learned a thing or two during my “kind of” singleness. I know more about what I’m looking for in a partner.  I know what feels good and what hurts my spirit. I don’t want to keep hurting myself, looking to someone else to meet my needs, to make me “feel” worthy of love.  It’s not good for me and it’s not good for them.

What’s Love Got to Do With It?

Anthony De Mello says that love isn’t needy.  What we’ve all been taught love is, is bogus.  It’s not fireworks and lust. It’s not, “I have to have you or I won’t be happy.”  Love is FREE. When we lose our NEED for others is when we’re able to really love.

I want to be able to love with my whole heart, without condition. Love me back or don’t.  It won’t matter. I won’t need you to love me back and you won’t feel any pressure from me to do so. 

If only I could recap De Mello’s words in a way that do them justice.

Driving home, I had my moment of jealousy.  I thought about how I’ll be crawling into bed alone tonight.  When I thought about it, I noticed that the thought doesn’t sting as much as it used to.  I’m actually more and more okay with it.

Ha! I better be since there’s no one here to change that fact. 

I like getting into bed and reading until I can’t hold my eyes open. Turning off the light at whatever ridiculous time it happens to be, and getting right in the middle of the bed. I sleep FANTASTIC alone.

Single, Hold the Mingle for However Long it Takes

Being single isn’t a fate worse than death.  It’s an adventure. I can make this whatever I want it to be.  I don’t have to look at the loss of “my” story and grieve anymore.  That’s in the past.  

I have today.  Hopefully I’ll have tomorrow too.  And hopefully I’ll choose to live it fully present, embracing the gift of creating a new life.  I can make a home where I’ll still occasionally sit and watch Izombie, read good books, write more, have company, and care for my family the best I can.  It won’t be perfect, but it’ll be mine and I’ll cherish it. I already do.  

Check out Wake Up To Life, by Anthony De Mello. He passed away in the late 80s, but everything he said is SO relevant today. I looked for the CD set on Amazon, but they aren’t currently available there. I saw there, that most of the recordings are available on the internet for free as mp3 downloads, and most are on YouTube.

And now…it’s time for a chocolate chip cookie and an episode of Izombie.

Something New

“Now I’m going to write something new.”

As I typed the words into the Facebook messenger box, where I’ve done the majority of my writing the last couple of years, I felt a rush of energy.

Now, I’m going to write something new.

A few years ago, I declared I would be like Hemingway.

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” -Ernest Hemingway

For whatever reason, I’ve still been extremely guarded with what I share.  So guarded that I haven’t been sharing at all. Some of that is to protect my mom.  I love that woman a lot and if I share where I’m at in my thinking and the mistakes I’ve made along the way, she’ll surely worry herself sick.

She and I had a conversation about it one night. I stood by her bed and told her how much I admired other writers who write from their hearts. Mom’s thought was that being guarded is responsible. I’m not fully convinced.  

I realize I don’t need to run amuck and write my personal tabloid, but I do need to be true to who I am.  If that means an overshare here or there to drive home a point or connect with other humans, so be it.

Part of my holding back is because my story is entwined with other peoples’ stories and I want to respect their privacy.

Part of this guardedness is self preservation.  I don’t want haters and trolls puking their wrath on me.

I’m going to have to get over most of this if I’m ever going to be transparent.

I love transparency.  It’s so PURE. It’s so necessary. I appreciate people who live this way. I’m going to work on not being so afraid and when the time is right, I’ll share my mess.

“If you’re going to share widely, make sure you share from your scars, not from your open wounds.” -Glennon Doyle

I almost had myself convinced I’d forgotten how to write.

Now, I’m going to write something new.  

That statement feels like a fresh start.  I’m not just sitting down to write a new post tonight.  I can decide right now to create something new with my life.  

I wrote a post when my ex and I were separating about how my life was going to be different this time as compared to our separation in 2012.  You can read This Time It’s Going To Be Different here.

If I’m being honest, life hasn’t gone according to plan.  I had some great goals back then, but I didn’t keep them in view and ended up losing sight of my vision.

Maybe…maybe I don’t want to write something new tonight.  Maybe I want to focus on what’s already been written…because all of that was and still is my heart’s desire.  And I really believe I can make it happen.

Now I’m going to write something new…  

Dear Powerful Woman

Dear POWERFUL Woman,


I see such strength in you.  You’re a freakin role model for single women and single moms everywhere…even the not single women.  You’re a role model for all of us.

As a young mom, you worked your butt off to provide for your girls.  Now you’re raising your grandchildren.

You own your own home, which you’ve remodeled and worked on yourself…I can’t believe you tore a wall down and redid your floors!

I have no idea how you manage to work 12 hour shifts, keep your home clean and organized…and your pool water clear!  And all of this…all of this you do on a budget. You’ve worked hard to be on top of your finances and that’s impressive too.

It’s one thing to be able to accomplish all of that, but I see more.  I see you actively trying to meet the emotional needs of your grand kids.  Working on behavior…doing EVERYTHING in your power to have a good relationship with them and have them grow up to be well adjusted men.

I don’t see you looking to men to fix problems in your life.  I don’t see different men walking in and out of your door to fill the loneliness–the stupid loneliness that causes sane women do make insane choices.  I know you’re tired and you’d like a partner, but you’re not settling for anything less than what you deserve.

And one of the things I like best is that you model Self Care.  You make time to relax every night by soaking your tired body in the tub.  You bought the camper so that you could get out and enjoy your family. You didn’t wait until some day when everything sorts itself out.  Some day when the drama dies down. You did it now and it’s been fun watching you get out and enjoy yourself.

I don’t know how you do ALL of this and make time to be one of the best friends I’ve ever had…and most of the time, you do it with a smile on your face and laughing.

I remember my brother in law telling me that he saw me.  He saw me working hard and trying. That meant the world to me…to be seen by someone.

Thanks for being such a great example.  I hope to follow in your steps…to be strong for myself and for my kids, to do the right thing, instead of what feels good momentarily.  YOU ROCK, POWERFUL WOMAN. I see you.

I’ve been thinking about writing letters to the women who inspire me for a couple of weeks now, so thanks for taking time to read this first one.  If you want to honor a POWERFUL Woman in your life, feel free to leave a shout out in the comments here or over on Facebook.  I’d be happy to share them with the Powerful Woman community.